Thursday, July 26, 2007

Vain Pursuits

Vain Pursuits: Most people go to the gym to look better but exercise can have unintended consequences

If there is one glaring false assumption made by the fitness industry in its attempts to lure us to the nearest gym, it is that we sign up purely to get fit and healthy. What really drives those who flock to these temples of body worship is vanity.
According to a survey by the British health insurer BCWA, what we see in the mirror is a far greater incentive than the promises of lower blood pressure or reduced cholesterol made in public health campaigns. But what happens when the good intentions backfire? What if one step-up too many leaves you with calf muscles like footballs or non-stop spinning gives you thunder-thighs? For the narcissist's guide to working out, read on.

Muscle imbalances
Possible cause Golf, tennis and other racquet sports involve the predominant use of one side of the body (or one playing arm), which can cause problems.
A study at the Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore in the United States showed that the most common problems include damage to the lower back caused by the repetitive swinging of a club or racquet to one side.
Solution Physiotherapist Sammy Margo suggests using weights to strengthen the non-dominant side. Golf coach Chris Baron says that in golf, as well as other sports, "the spine is the first area of the body that comes under attack from the swinging if your core muscles are weak. The best way to improve this is through Pilates-style exercises."

One leg shorter than the other
Possible cause Always running on the same side of a road. The average road camber is 7 to 9 degrees, which means you are running on a sloping surface so one foot is hitting the ground at a higher level than the other.
"Effectively it makes the leg nearest to the side of the road 'longer'," says Martin Haines, a physiotherapist and adviser to Runner's World magazine. "The body naturally compensates for this by trying to shorten the leg to reduce the pressure on your body, in particular on the back and the knee."
The more you pound the tarmac, the worse it becomes. Running in one direction on a beach can have the same adverse effect if you do it for a prolonged period Solution "Avoid running consistently on a camber by varying your route and terrain as much as possible," Haines says.

Broad back and shoulders
Possible cause Certain activities, such as swimming, rowing and weight training to strengthen the trapezius and rhomboid muscles in the upper back can result in a "triangular" appearance (broad shoulders and a narrow waist), says Robin Gargrave, executive director of YMCA Fitness Industry training. "Some yoga moves - such as those that support the whole body on the arms - also require the bracing of these muscles in an isometric contraction that, over time, could lead to an overdeveloped upper back."
Solution If you are exercising the upper body, try to balance things out with lower body activities, too. With swimming, vary the strokes or hold a kickboard so that for a few lengths you are using only your legs. "Remember that any aspect of fitness is entirely reversible," Gargrave says. "If you don't like what you see, stop the activity that is causing it."

Possible cause "Having very tight back muscles can tilt the pelvis forward too much, giving the impression of an enlarged belly," Gargrave says. "Poor technique in abdominal exercises can also cause a bulging of muscles in that area."
Eating too little can also backfire on your attempts to get into shape. According to personal trainer Kevin Barclay-Webb, whose clients include Annie Lennox and Ivana Trump, cutting calories too drastically increases the production of the stress hormone cortisol and insulin, which controls blood sugar levels.
As a result, "the body responds by storing excess calories in the abdominal region," he says. Mostly the calories are stored as fat, "which is why otherwise very thin people can still have a roly-poly belly".
Solution Gargrave recommends spine-flexing exercises that improve flexibility of the back but says you should first seek the advice of a personal trainer or physiotherapist. Avoid repetitive sit-ups, which can cause muscles to pop up in an unsightly fashion. Instead, join a Pilates class to learn a variety of core-strengthening exercises instead. Eat a well-balanced diet and don't cut out meals.

Rounded shoulders
Possible cause Over-using the pectoral, or chest, muscles. Personal trainer and postural expert Jo Tuffrey says, "The chest muscles are used in a lot of activities, and things like sitting at a computer or driving keep them activated at a low level all day." Add in chest-strengthening exercises at the gym and the pectoral muscles "become tight and short, translating to weak back muscles and rounded shoulders".
Solution Tuffrey advises stretching out the chest muscles on a regular basis. Sit with your feet hip-width apart and elbows tucked into the waist, hands on your knees with palms facing upwards. Breathe in and sit up straight, keeping neck relaxed. Breathe out, gently pulling navel to spine.
Breathe in again and, keeping the elbows at the waist, draw your forearms sidewards to open out the chest. Don't let the shoulders rise. Repeat.
"Chest exercises need to be integrated into a whole-body workout including other major muscle groups, especially the abdominals," she says. "Think of working muscles in pairs, doing equal amounts of exercises with opposing muscle groups. If you're working the chest, you should also work the back. If you're working biceps, you should also work triceps, etc."

Big calves
Possible cause Running uses both the gastrocnemius - the big calf muscle at the back - and the soleus, which is the smaller one lower down, with every stride, so most runners have well-developed lower legs. Overusing the step-machine or doing too many calf-raises can also cause the calf muscles to bulge.
"Your muscles are not usually getting bigger," Gargrave says. "They are just better defined because they are more visible when fat disappears."
Solution Stretch the calf muscles regularly to prevent tightness, Margo says. Place your toes against a wall with your heel on the floor so your foot is at a 45-degree angle. Bring your hip closer to the wall, by pushing off the back foot. Uphill running, in particular, builds the gastrocnemius muscle so try to factor in some downhill running.

Bulging thighs
Possible cause Cycling, spinning, squats and lunges predominantly work the hamstrings and quadriceps - muscles that make up the thigh - and can quite quickly lead to a more toned appearance in the legs.
"A lot of people mistake this improvement in muscle tone for an increase in muscle size, thinking it is making their thighs look bigger," Gargrave says. "In fact, with less fat, the legs are actually more streamlined. " Solution Thigh stretches and more cross-training. "Vary your activities if you don't want to develop one muscle group above all others," Gargrave says. "Incorporate some weight or resistance training for the upper body to balance your overall muscle development. "